here is something for all you guys that think getting rid of your a/c will help you


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i found this a while back and fell in love with it so enjoy!!!!

Unwise man says:
about to get rid of some s**t i dont need !
when taking off the AC compressor do i need to get a smaller belt.
what problems might i run into?
am i gonna need 2 go out and buy anything?

Wise man says:
smaller belt for what? just pull off the a/c belt and remove all the ac components, you dont need a new belt. the only problem you will run into is when you get a heat wave of 95 degrees with 90% humidity and youre sweating your ass off sitting in stopped traffic on the freeway with the windows down but there's no breeze only the smell of the diesel exhaust of the dodge duelie sitting next to you. then you look over to the obese woman in the lexus next to you and her hair is blowing back from the A/C pumping out 60 degree air in her face and she looks at you and smiles as a sweat droplet falls off your forehead and splashes in your eye so you end up winking at her like a fukin moron ... that's when you'll regret removing your A/C to shed a measly 10lbs at the track. sorry, just talking from personal experience

Other wise man says:
just go to the gym and lose 10lbs and keep ur ac LOL

Smart ass says:
dont forget to take out your windshield washer sprayers for extra reduction...


I live in Houston where A/C is a no-brainer.


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dude went without a/c for a week and its florida...... not cool at all i smelt everywhere i went


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i've never had ac... so it doesn't bother me all that bad... and i love in south ga... like 90 every day here...


I had a Civic once.
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I like A/C.

spoon egg

Teeth Doctor
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5+ Year Member
A/C compatible turbo manifold for me!! it's worth the extra money! oh yeah, and if weight reduction is that important to people, i reconmend a dieting program..just saying....


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5+ Year Member
A/C compatible turbo manifold for me!! it's worth the extra money! oh yeah, and if weight reduction is that important to people, i reconmend a dieting program..just saying....
:word:FTW!! dieting 101 is on!! not CC so forget removing your A/C is pointless!!


Save the SOHC
5+ Year Member
Coachella Valley, CA...Summer = 100 - 120 degrees...A/C...I think so...My new 09 Civic originally didn't come with A/C, but dealer installed it, knocked off the 3 grand they tacked on after wheelin and dealin with the car for $11k with Cash 4 Clunkers...


Has returned ;-)
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if youre going to quote me in a new thread, at least give me some credit lol

moving to off topic


Chillin' Canadian Member
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I live in Canada, so temperatures aren't too bad :what:


wants a better civic =/
Registered VIP
5+ Year Member
my a/c has never worked since i got my car. i live in sc and it's humid as f**k here. it kinda sucks not having a/c but i'm good with all my windows down =]


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5+ Year Member
Funny, but i think it's only relevant for what you use your car for.

Mine's street driven, but only once a week for maybe 20/30 miles, and if the weather is less than ideal, it stay sin the garage. So i don't have any of that s**t (P/S, A/C, wiper motor, heater core, blower motor, windshield washer resivor/lines, etc.).

If it's your daily though, A/C ftmfw! I couldn't go a 70+ degree day without A/C in my truck! I don't know how i did it in my civic back in the day when it was my daily.
