itsmycookie said:very clean under the hood. looks really nice. i was bored. here;s a sig if you want one.
if you want, you can take it off. just be a little careful. if you wait for a sunny day or use a blow drier, the tape will warm up and it'll be easier, but it'll also be harder to get the left over tape off since it'll be so sticky. but i recommend using goo gone, works like a charm. spary some on, let it sit for a bit, and use a paper towel or something to rub it off. it'll take a few minutes but it'll do the job. had to do it many times with mine.Dunn said:clover green, stock honda ex color (si in canada)
not sure i can even take the brows off, put them on there with 3M tape, cant see that stuff coming off :S