

New Member
Hi there,

Well a few months ago I decided to begin a project with a D16Z6 Del Sol. After some digging on kijiji I picked up a D16Z6 complete swap for $200. So far I'm searching for the Del Sol, however tomorrow might be my lucky day.

My current ride is a bone stock FG2. Awesome car, and the plan is to sell her. Sad to think about however, the $700 a month to keep her can add to my business and school fund.

Alittle about me. Came from the typical stereotype childhood a kid from a broken home. However I was lucky enough to have motivational people in my life. Two years ago I had decided to goto university. So I worked my way through two years of upgrading my high school marks; while working full time as a Manager, and arrived at a point where I have the requirements to attend Law School in the UK.

Oh yea, I'm 27;28 this June 28. European background. Well thats me, along with some personal info. I want to thank everyone in advance for helping me along the way with my Z6 build.

I will post pics on the Del Sol and D16 soon.

Here's some FG2 pics


Here's my Del Sol Project

Oh, just because I'm Canadian. Don't assume I'm an idiot from Vancouver.
