Hey from Fort Myers, Florida


New Member
Hello CC, the name is Carlos, I drive a 95 Civic DX Coupe. Had it for about 9 months now, and been just making it a fun daily driver...I'll post a build thread soon...just got married so im on a little vacation from working on the car until i get other things ready and until my parts come in from delivery...but i already have pictures and notes ready in advance =)

ive been reading up on clubcivic.com for about 3 years now and you guys helped me with all the DIY and information and inspiration...sucks that im now just registering lol...also know that CC doesnt do much reading and i need to post pics or leave haha!

picked up the car in Miami, was sitting for about a year under a tree until i came around a got it and got it to run =)

like i said, im gonna do a build thread SOON!


Registered VIP
Welcome. Keep us updated.


New Member
not a clear shot, but is an idea of whats done...bay gets dirty quick so need to clean up and take a daytime shot

@Robin: Thank you

@00siboy: Thanks, will do



Avi, pull your socks up.
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