hey guys


New Member
Hey everyone. I just recently purchesed my civic. I used to have a 07 si but it got totaled out thanks to some guy that hydro planed over into my lane and destroyed it. But no fear, I have a new "new to me" civic that i think I may eventually like a little bit better than the 07. I bought a 00 si and I just love it. I just have to fix a few thing and then it will be as good as new. The infamous window, the oversized ridiculious sounding and looking muffler, and a gotta crank up the front about an inch so my tires will untuck from inside the fenders. Other than that a few cosmetic stuff that comes with it being a dd. I'll post some pics soon. This site seems like a pretty cool place to come and hang out. Pretty new to the whole forum thing though. My dad is on a harly fourm and he's all wrapped up into it so i figured id come and give it a try at the place I think im gonna feel comortable at the most!!!!!!


Your mom has vtec
Registered VIP
5+ Year Member
Raise it? Nevaaaaarrrrrr! slammed ftw dude. lets see some pics.


New Member
I know I know!!! I love the way it looks but i have to at least get the tires out from the fenders so i can turn.lol And plus i live out in the country where the roads are always crappy. I will post some pics soon.


I had a Civic once.
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:welcome: man! Post up those pics soon!


New Member
yeah, and another thing is that the tires are enormous! I want to get some low profile tires eventually but that would lower the car even more! I have another question, and ive searched for this... I have a tanabe exahst. IT sounds good but its just too dang loud! I want to keep the exhaust but just get a different muffler to quieten it a bit. I've looked on here and i know its according to prefrence but what are some good ideas for mufflerskeeping the tanabe exahst. I was thinking about a factory muffler but ive been reading and the spoon n1 seems appeling as well. I know there are countless threads about this but none pertaining to the tanabe exhaust. Any advice would be greatly appreciated.


Your mom has vtec
Registered VIP
5+ Year Member
Your probably looking at apexi n1, and if you just want it quieter put a resonator in there somewhere and make sure it still has a cat, if you dont like the look of the muffler get a vibrant sleeper muffler.
