Hey i got a question....


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last night i was hanging out at the BK Lounge lol, and this SRT4 drive up and i was talking to him a bit and he wanted to race me on the highway for fun no money or anything..i told him no since my wastegate is stuck open currently , and it runs like s**t because of it....and he was pushing 20 psi and im only putting out 7 right now...so basically he would kick my ass even if my car was running good right?

Genuine Rolla

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yeah. he's got 250hp stock.


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yea he would unless u got some real skills and he sucks in driving u probably could win but he would catch up though

\\ Forgiven //

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^ skills as a civic driver arent going to save you from an SRT boosting 20 psi. The SRT driver could have a BASIC knowledge level when it came to driving a manual car and win easily.

Inigo Montoya

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c'mon.. gsr hatches hang with srt-4's stock.

and how many people lie / bluff?


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\\ Forgiven // said:
^ skills as a civic driver arent going to save you from an SRT boosting 20 psi. The SRT driver could have a BASIC knowledge level when it came to driving a manual car and win easily.
+1, especially when a highway race takes NO skill at all...

ive seen SRT4 run 13.9 from the factory. if he's running 20psi, he's definately faster than that. fix your WG and run him...

TiiM iiS l3eAsT

Scamming Piece Of s**t
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ive seen a bunch of low boost civic's keep up with 15+ psi srt-4's there not that fast.....but still ur only running 7 he would probably win

\\ Forgiven //

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Chaos said:
ive seen a bunch of low boost civic's keep up with 15+ psi srt-4's there not that fast.....but still ur only running 7 he would probably win

Define low boost....you just said that you have seen low boost civics keep up, and then said that he probably wouldnt win at 7 pounds, which I would consider low boost.


Needs More Snail
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thanks for all the replies lol i think its just fun , i mean even with my wg sealed i dont think i could take him. He was telling me how he kept up with an evo 9 but then supposedly the SRT4 ecu cuts the fuel at like 5000 in 5th or some weird s**t idk....but yeha when i get it fixd i wanna run with him just to see HOW BAD i would get killed...just for fun of course, and being careful


Needs More Snail
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in the spring i want to be pushing like 12 psi (after doing the internals and w/e) but you think id be able to keep up then? jw seeing what u guys think
