Hey my Peeps. new new to site.


New Member
Hey, Carlos here... Drive 01 Civic ex 2dr. d17A2 engine
my car is Auto I wanted a stick.

Should I swap the tranny, Trade, or Sell?

interior and exterior are in perfect condition.
idk if its worth it.


I had a Civic once.
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:welcome: man!

do a 5 speed swap! Best thing I've done to my car so far. SO much better. Plus it can be done pretty cheap.


New Member
5+ Year Member
Welcome. I too been wanting to do a tranny swap from auto to stick, A lot of people said to do the swap,trade or sell. So the decision really relies on you if you can get all the parts for the swap so you won't end up spending a fortune or an even trade. So it's really up to you GL


New Member

Yeah. I'm looking into the Tranny swap.
Besides the tranny and the clutch, what else would I need?
