honda accord type r spoiler remodeling for civic coupe


New Member

dont know if this is in the right part of the forum


i managed too get a nice type r spoiler

like this one

the other day from the bay but it did not fit my civic coupe
it was too long and it bowed when i squashed it too fit

it looked way out of shape on the car and did not suit it at all

not wanting too send it back i thought i would bite the bullet and customize it too fit

so here goes

this is the rear spoiler i got

this what it looked like on the car

i cut it in the center when it was bolted down too release the pressure

then i started making cuts until it came together neatly

this is the bits i cut out of the center too make them come together

this is what was in the center of the spoiler

comes together nicely

i drilled some holes too put in some strengthening screws

i cut the heads off and pre drilled some collecting holes on the other side[/img
i then cut grooves for the supporting and alignment guides


i then put supporting tape on the area and went in doors too finish it

this is what it looked like now .. as you can see TONNES better fit so far

i then closed up the area so i could flood the gaps with resin

usign tape i made a channel for it too run thro

i then used some hair pins from my daughters room too fit in the gaps

after that i waited for it too set and then started too sand the area till it was nice and flat and smooth

then i sanded it and leveled it out

i then used primer as a guide too see what i needed too work more on and it was good

test fitting on the car excuse the night low light shots i was at this all day

as you can see the lines on the car now match up nice

this was lots of work BUT i think it was worth it
its going in for paint now in a few days and it will be finished then

before and after shaping

so a honda accord type r spoiler on a civic 95 ...
it started too long but with some work can be done
hope you liked the post
i am not very tech savvy so there is some mistakes in the post sorry

i have not see this done before and i think it is a brilliant customization too do
and its quite fun too do all be it i am shattered lol
what you all think .. =)=)=)=)


I had a Civic once.
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Looks much better! :thumbs up

That seems like a ton of work though.


New Member
had too be done tho ... the spoiler as it was never would have fit without looking stupid it was bowed out of shape so bad .. looked almost oval

in the before and after photo you can see what i was trying too do .. was keep the high part but level it out
so that it looked more in keeping with the lines from the car originally

but i didnt want an EM1 spoiler as they are quite alot smaller and shorter

this was fun and not that hard too do at all really .. just scary doing the first cut lol that one took me 5 mins too do after that i flew thro it ..
