Hondata S300??


Clit Commander
Registered VIP
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5+ Year Member
is it really worth 600 bucks im really leanin toward getting but... yea just wanna get output from other ppl


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10+ Year Member
you mean input, lol.

But anyways, its worth it if you want hondata to tune with, and everything it offers. But really, it does pretty much the same stuff a chipped ecu with datalogging can do.


Clit Commander
Registered VIP
Registered OG
5+ Year Member
yeah ill prolly end up gettin it just because of boost opition and etc


b00st s00n!
Registered VIP
5+ Year Member
no its not worth 600 dollars. get your ecu chipped run crome since it is free and works just as great.

hondata s300= 600
atleast 2 hours of tune= 100 hr.
dyno time= 75 hr.
your looking at 1000, give or take some, with hondata.

crome= free!
2hrs of tune= 100 hr
dyno time= 75 hr.

your looking at 500-750

so i would not run hondata unless you really want to. crome does everything that hondata does. and its free. go to and read up on crome. there is alot of good information there.


5+ Year Member
YOu also Failed to Mention that the amount of tuning that you get done on Hondata S300 in 2 hours would Take You Near 3-4 hours just because you have to keep shutting the car off and having to reburn chips all the time.

Not to mention Crome is Free so there is a Lack of Support for the software.. But Hondata you pay for and you get there Customer Service along with it. and Matt over at hondata has Resolved any of my issues that ive ever had when tuning with the unit.

And BTW i use to be a Crome whore when they had the RTP and all i had with that was Headache after headache. it was just a Huge pain in the ass to wait for a new script or something to be posted cause they take there sweet time on the Crome Forums.
