hood release


New Member
went to pop my hood a few mins ago. and the little plastic tab that you pull on snapped off. s**t... haha but luckily the little round base is stick attached and i can pull on that and it'll pop my hood. has anyone replaced this? is it easy? or does anyone have a quick easy fix?


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same thing happened to me..we are just too strong =)
i like it the way it is now better..sorry cant really help :(


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I believe you have to replace the whole wire assembly. Bleh, too much work unless you were going to reroute the wire, ie theft prevention.. blah blah. I just leave a needle nose pliers in the car. How often do you need to open the hood anyways.


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i just left it because i can still open the hood by just pulling on it


New Member
well thanks for everyone's advice. Today i fixed it, cleaned up the back of the piece that snapped off. Then got the exact size of the rod that you pull. Got that size bit and drilled a hole into the back of the snapped of piece, then I drilled a small hole from to top and joined into the previous hole. I dremel'd a small notch into the rod. Then put a small sharp screw through the top hole and stuck the piece back on the rod and tightened the screw. Now it works like new.
