how far have they gone?


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whats the most miles you have ever seen on a honda that is still runing and has never had the engine rebuilt. i personaly have seen an 89 accord lx with 435000 and a 91 accord with 399800 and last but certanly not least a 6th gen dx civic hatch with 450000


toaster oven
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maaaan that 6th gen must've done a lot of road trips. hehe.

my friend has an 89 accord with like 300000 on it.


Jack Load
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my dad had like a 2-3rd gen accord the old school ones that said 5 speed and s**t on the back he had well over 550,000 miles on it and it was still running strong but my mom made him get rid of it. =)


the LS PiMP
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i had a `94 Hatch with round 200 000 miles on, and it was tip top inside and outside (beside the engine)


Runnin to Redline
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Originally posted by ZuM00Si
my dad had like a 2-3rd gen accord the old school ones that said 5 speed and s**t on the back he had well over 550,000 miles on it and it was still running strong but my mom made him get rid of it. =)
