How to Clean My radiator...


New Member

How to clean, my Radiator,

Somebody know what is the way to Clean My Radiator

What Liquid or product is recomendable to used in there?

Somebody have advises or comments....

Thanks In advance



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Easy man! you dont actually need the liquid crap unless you see alot of trash inside your radiator. you get it at autozone for like 5 bux. anyways, first you park you car. you dont even have to lift it. at the bottom of your radiator there is a nob. turn it with a wrench until the coolant starts leaking out. catch the coolant with a container, you have to recycle that somewhere. after it all drains, disconnect the large bottom hose. not the two small ones. more coolant will drain out. after that, close the nob. on the top of the radiator disconnect the top hose. there is only one. find where the thermostat is located. disconnect the hose from there too. take out the bolts and the thermostat. more coolant will drain place the container below. make sure you look carefully and see how the thermostat was in. you need to place it back later the same way u took it out. it would be a wise idea to replace the thermostat too, its only like 8 bux at autozone. anyways. after you take it out. leave it out and close the unit back up. dont over tighten the bolts. connect the hose. then you have to drain the system. you place the water hose into the radiator, remember the top hose is disconnected. open the water and drain everything out. till the water is clear, it will coming out of the hose. then turn off the hose. place the thermostat back and connect all the hoses. refill with coolant. run the car with the heater on for about 20 minutes with the cap off, or on but not tightened.. the radiator fan will turn on. then you have to refill with more coolant. check it the next day and keep refilling it till its all full.
