Do you want to change the seats in your EF? Many people told me seats were almost impossible to do on EF and suggested getting after market racing seats... I refused to believe seat swaps for EF was not possible... So I gave it a shot and this was my result... NOTE: This was all done on EF hatch DX... Try at own risk...
What you need is:
Donor Seat (in this this project I used Integra seat)
Needle nose pliers
Zip Ties
razor/box cutter
Take your needle nose and remove the rings holding the seat cover onto the pan on my Civic seat the backrest frame was held on by little metal rings... on the integra there was a zipper you need to grab witht he needle nose pliers the location of the zipper head is pictured....
Here is the Civic seat with the Skin and cushion removed, here you can see how the Civic seat has the bracket coming out of the cushion, im not sure what year they started putting the brackets further apart but it probably would've made this swap easier...
After removing both pans from the seats i did a comparison... there is no way you can make the original bracket fit the 88-89 hatch with out custom fabrication to the interior frame, I opted out of that cause lack of resources to welding...
Get your razor/box cutter and cut a hole where the seat bracket has to come out (guesstimated it)... By guessing though it made the seat a little crooked... Also do not remove the rings from the cushion as I did int he pics... it creates slack in the fabric if you dont fasten it back down correctly and the foam then holds it in place is fragile... You'll see in later pics...
I compared the backrest frames and they are almost identical in shape, which is both a plus and a sigh of relief knowing im on the track... also noticed that the holes for head rests are the same width as the integra head rests so that an extra PLUS++++
After putting the cushion on the the seat pan secure the the skin with zip ties...
Here are pictures of the flaws that I noticed after completion
Here you can see how the head rest are the same and the Integra slide/lock fits perfect...
Here it is bolted down...
Testing stage...
All the way forward
Fully reclined
Passenger View
Ending result...
What you need is:
Donor Seat (in this this project I used Integra seat)
Needle nose pliers
Zip Ties
razor/box cutter
Take your needle nose and remove the rings holding the seat cover onto the pan on my Civic seat the backrest frame was held on by little metal rings... on the integra there was a zipper you need to grab witht he needle nose pliers the location of the zipper head is pictured....
Here is the Civic seat with the Skin and cushion removed, here you can see how the Civic seat has the bracket coming out of the cushion, im not sure what year they started putting the brackets further apart but it probably would've made this swap easier...
After removing both pans from the seats i did a comparison... there is no way you can make the original bracket fit the 88-89 hatch with out custom fabrication to the interior frame, I opted out of that cause lack of resources to welding...
Get your razor/box cutter and cut a hole where the seat bracket has to come out (guesstimated it)... By guessing though it made the seat a little crooked... Also do not remove the rings from the cushion as I did int he pics... it creates slack in the fabric if you dont fasten it back down correctly and the foam then holds it in place is fragile... You'll see in later pics...
I compared the backrest frames and they are almost identical in shape, which is both a plus and a sigh of relief knowing im on the track... also noticed that the holes for head rests are the same width as the integra head rests so that an extra PLUS++++
After putting the cushion on the the seat pan secure the the skin with zip ties...
Here are pictures of the flaws that I noticed after completion
Here you can see how the head rest are the same and the Integra slide/lock fits perfect...
Here it is bolted down...
Testing stage...
All the way forward
Fully reclined
Passenger View
Ending result...