i have a short I think!


New Member
so this started a couple days ago i was driving and my check engine turned on and i got code17 which is speed censor. after a couple of driving my head lights started flicking but not a lot. that went away. the day after my turn signals, reverse light, and my car would not turn on at all..i had to push start it. now the same problems are still there and my rev limiter don't work at all .. tday i was able to turn the car on with out a problem but everything still dosnt work... i am lost as hell and wondering if the short is in my fuse box ... please help thanx


out on bail
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Bump only because I want to find out the issue too. Lol

Somebody help this guy.


Registered VIP
When crazy things start happening, I always suspect the battery/terminals. Replacing it has fixed more problems than I would have guessed so now I just do it to save me the hassle (I have spares). If you have a short, you'll more than likely have a blown fuse to go along with it (which is what fuses are for).

Good luck!


Boost Junkie
Registered VIP
5+ Year Member
Firstly, why would you ignore the problem for three days? Electrical problems can turn into electrical fires, dude. No bueno.
Secondly, gotta trace the source of the problem. Start from battery and alternator and work your way through.
