I just got my civic....


New Member
i got a 95 civic.....my pops sold my prelude and left me with that old civic and idk what to do with to make it run faster and look better...plus he cut off the plug for the stereo so i cant install a new one can some one give me the wiring diagram for it....i have a full system i cant install cause i cant find the remote


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5+ Year Member
first off, if you would like a wiring diagram ask nicely. do not tell others what to do. just saying.

secondly, if you need ideas for your car, stream through this forum, do searches, and go to the members ride section (its a 95 so go to 5th gen) and look at rides and get some ideas.

welcome to CC


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first off welcome to CC, glad to have you here
second like 2000civic said ask nicely and we be glad to help,

if you really want to make it fast start looking into a swap or how to turbo the piss out of that d series, your choice, but only way to make it fast


New Member
sorry if i sounded rude i didnt think text had emotion....i generaly suck at typing so i apologize if i sound rude its very unintentional...i'd post a pic of my civic but i dont know how to do that yet can some1 plz tell me how to do it?


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welcome to the club mang and why did your dad sell your prelude and cut the wirings in the civic?


New Member
he's an a*****e....im still surprised my prelude sold it was salvaged....it was one of a kind too...i miss that car


New Member
5+ Year Member
he's an a*****e....
I can see why he sold your car. Perhaps you should be more thankful you have a father. Tell him thank you for being there and what he does for you! and if he does something that you do not understand with the infinite wisdom that you have acquired or the short 15-17 years of life that you have been around for. ask him nicely if he would explain it to you as to why your car was sold. Most of the the time parents do things for a reason!! My child doesn't fully understand why she can't eat junk food all the time, however I do my best to explain it to her that junk food is unhealthy. The part I leave out is I don't want her looking like the rest of America! Perhaps I am wrong and he truly is what you claim him to be but until you ask you have no idea now do you?
Oh and one more question did you pay for the car yourself? or did he?


New Member
im 19 and i paid for that car myself it was just under his name cause the insurance was cheaper plus he's the one that made it salvage...he left the car unlocked and it got stolen
