I bought my lcd monitor on Oct 7th of 2008 on newegg so I've used it for roughly 2 years. Starting about 2 weeks ago, every time I turned it on, it would make a high pitched buzzing sound and it came from the top of the back. It went away until today. It won't stop. And I put my head above the back to look behind it (too lazy to move it lol) and it smells horrible. So it's pretty much going to die any day isn't it?
Is it possible to get LCD monitors fixed? If so, is it even worth it? Or should I just buy a new one. I think I'd like to upgrade to a bigger one (this one is 19") for movies and such anyways. But if it's not expensive to fix it, I might consider that too.
Is it possible to get LCD monitors fixed? If so, is it even worth it? Or should I just buy a new one. I think I'd like to upgrade to a bigger one (this one is 19") for movies and such anyways. But if it's not expensive to fix it, I might consider that too.