ignition coil question


New Member
i have a question guys how can i tell if my ignition coil is messed up? i was checking my oil and spark plugs today the car was on and all of a sudden it cut off i tried to start it up and it just would not start its not the battery or the alternator or the alternator so im thinking its the coil whats a quick test??? thanks guys


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5+ Year Member
take it out, take it too auto zone, they have a manual and a machine that they test it. Mine was broken, price for it was about $120. your better off buying a used distributor from craigslist or the junkyard. My mechanic told me its a good idea to change the module as well if your getting a new ignition coil. It was weird, i replaced my ignition coil and then the module died on me that same day. i replaced it with a used one. So if your vehicle fails later on, it might be the module, or at least keep that in mind.
