ignition module bad?


Registered VIP
With a multimeter (or test light) and a wiring diagram. Diagrams can be found in google in under 2.7 seconds and a meter can be found for under $20 at a hardware store or Radio shack. The fact that the motor is turning over tells me your ignition is probably good. Check fuel (don't forget the main relay), timing, and fuses. Don't forget to grab a beer (or beverage of your choice (alcohol obviously)).

Now go show that Civic who's boss!


Frame Bangin
Registered VIP
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5+ Year Member
10+ Year Member
there is a pin out test for it. first you need to check the coil first


Registered VIP
5+ Year Member
also an easy way to see if you're getting spark is to grab an old spark plug, pull the plug boot off of one of the cylinders, and put the old spark plug in the boot. lay this on the valve cover, making sure the plug is grounded/touching against some metal. Have friend try to crank the engine. if you see the plug spark at the electrode, you're getting spark to the cylinders. if not, start with the distributor, and start doing some testing
