In line fuel pumps


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i can get a Trex inline pump for a good price(cheaper than a walbro) but I have read that inline pumps are badd for your stock this true??


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they just plain suck in general. it is an outdated way of fixing fuel pressure and feed issues back in early 90's when tuning kind of "took off" so to speak. Walbro 225's are cheap. like 75 bucks. its worth the couple extra dollars to do it the right way. especially if your boosting. The only complaint about the walbro that i have is that it mikes a electrical sounding whine. it makes the car sound more "racey" i suppose. but thats not my aim. also, having no internior could contribute.


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hatch said:
they just plain suck in general. it is an outdated way of fixing fuel pressure and feed issues back in early 90's when tuning kind of "took off" so to speak. Walbro 225's are cheap. like 75 bucks. its worth the couple extra dollars to do it the right way. especially if your boosting. The only complaint about the walbro that i have is that it mikes a electrical sounding whine. it makes the car sound more "racey" i suppose. but thats not my aim. also, having no internior could contribute.
if you look at the flow charts on the walbro the pressure dropps off, but tith a inline it does not, and the inline also makes the same noise. I am more worried about damage to the stock pump


The Long Forgotten
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well, with the inline fuel pump, you wont need to use the in tank fuel pump. I have the walbro 255lph pump, mainly because I didnt want to cut my existing fuel line, and I wanted the clean look.


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Exxel82 said:
well, with the inline fuel pump, you wont need to use the in tank fuel pump. I have the walbro 255lph pump, mainly because I didnt want to cut my existing fuel line, and I wanted the clean look.
I am cuting the line anyway, its one of the drawbacks to a wet kit =)
