Information needed for modding your car


Hi. I'm new to this site and I'm not sure if this is a good place to post it here so sorry.

Well I'm interested in building my own car soon but the thing is I'm not educated to do this. Where could I get all the basic information required on how to mod a car and what type of tools would I need. I also dont have a garage so I'd probably avoid the major mods like engine stuff. Cheers =)


Mud, Blood, Beer
Registered VIP
Well, what mods do you want on your car?

And i'd recommend basic hand tools until you figure out where you want to be with your car. socket set, screwdrivers, etc.


Mud, Blood, Beer
Registered VIP
What engine do you have, what gains are you looking for? boosted, na etc......


I dont have a car yet. But I'm looking to buy Honda Civic EK4 or EK9. Do you know where could I find the basic structure of the car? It has to be simple and clear.


Mud, Blood, Beer
Registered VIP
haynes manual, there are many online resources as well.

although i'd recommend having a clear idea of your expectations and what you want the end result to be, before you start modding.


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Your question is really broad. Bhikku gave you a good answer for it, but you'll want to start figuring out what smaller steps you want to take. When you figure that out, you can ask more specific questions, which will receive more specific answers.

I think the most important first step is to decide what your goals are. You mentioned gaining a little extra horsepower. Is that for now, or do you want to gain a lot of horsepower at some point? Also, what sort of budget do you have for modding? Are you looking for anything else (aesthetic mods, improved handling, etc)? I think your first step is finding answers to those questions. Then we'll be able to help you move forward.

For now, a socket set, a good trustworthy jack, and a set of jackstands will be your best friends. =)


Your Mom's Moderator
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To be quite honest, I think the first step should be actually getting a car. Only then can you begin modding; different cars require different approches. What if you decide to go with a different brand instead? That could require a whole different set of tools and directions. Until you get an actual car in your driveway, are just spinning your wheels so to speak.


You guys are right. First off I have to buy a car. This actually wont be anywhere soon though :( Thanks for all the replies.


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That's alright. A lot of us started on here when we were 14 or 15, before we were even old enough to drive in the states, let alone buy a car.


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Just start by looking around. Find build threads. See what guys are doing. See what kind of money they are paying and results they are getting. Then come up with some goals for your car. then have a good time building your car.


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Take it one step at a time, find something you might want to try and research it. Cars really aren't that complicated. It's a lot of simple things put together to make something complex. If you look at everything at once it's overwhelming but if you take it slow you'll catch on quick.
