Installing New Headlights


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I ordered in some new headlights for my car and are down in Seattle so I don't know if they came with instructions or not, I presume not (I am in Vancouver not seattle, I am from seattle). Anyway, I was wondering if you guys know how to change over the lights. IE, am I going to have to take off the bumper or is it just a simple unbolting of the headlights themselves. Now just to clear this up, I am talking about the whole housing, not just the bulbs themselves. I know how to do the bulbs, and if I didn't I should just kill myself! Thanks for your help, they are going on tonight!


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Yes you will have to take off the bumper, but it is not that hard and will take you an extra 5 minutes.

rey rey

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Originally posted by skeeterEX
Thanks fellow washington guy! Have you done this install yourself?
Ummm...about a GiZZilion times. Plus I did it the other day to replace one headlight that was broken.

Mr. Lin

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Yeah, the whole process is really simple ... Took me about 5-7 minutes to take all the necessary parts off and to pull the headlights out. The thing is, I was only replacing the bulbs and afterwards, I realized that I could've done it w/o taking the front bumper off ... BLAH! Just make sure you detatch the wire running to the bulb b4 u yank the lights out =).


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Okay, so I did it all last night and was checking all the parts to make sure everything worked before installing it. The passenger side works fine, both Halos light up and the projectors work sweet. Go to check the drivers side and the outside halo works, but the inside doesn't! ARGGGG!!! I emailed them a pretty nasty one at like 1 am last night, thats when I was doing the install. I haven't received a reply back yet but I am gonna rage on them. I drove down from Canada last night to do this and now they don't work! I double checked all the wiring and everything is correct, this company just better right the wrong or heads are gonna roll!
