intercooled toyota on


New Member
5+ Year Member
9/24/08 on the front page where there's the 3 rotating news articles, the second pictures a honda civic and a toyota corolla and the article goes on to compare the two. the interesting part is the intercooler on the toyota. the article makes no mention of said turbo or anything. is that picture of some concept by toyota or a seemingly random photo?


New Member
5+ Year Member
9/24/08 on the front page where there's the 3 rotating news articles, the second pictures a honda civic and a toyota corolla and the article goes on to compare the two. the interesting part is the intercooler on the toyota. the article makes no mention of said turbo or anything. is that picture of some concept by toyota or a seemingly random photo?


New Member
9/24/08 on the front page where there's the 3 rotating news articles, the second pictures a honda civic and a toyota corolla and the article goes on to compare the two. the interesting part is the intercooler on the toyota parts. the article makes no mention of said turbo or anything. is that picture of some concept by toyota or a seemingly random photo?
And the rivalry continues. Expect more of these rally cars to be toe to toe in the tracks.
