Internal to External Wastegate Conversion


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Ok, I'm getting a TD-04 turbo with an internal wastegate and I would like to convert it to an external wastegate. I'm using the HF manifold on a D16Z6. Can I run a wastegate off the downpipe flange plate? Do I need to weld the internal flapper closed or just remove it all together? I need info!!!

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you need to weld the 'flapper' shut, and the wastegate is there to regulate exhaust before it goes into the turbo, not after. therefor, it needs to be on the mani. so either you ghetto rig a wastegate on your hf mani, or you do it right and buy a manifold made for a external wastegate


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if you are absolutely stuck with the hf manifold then i would run the internal wastegate until you can afford a proper exhaust manifold setup for an external wastegate


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yes you can run it off the down pipe flange right where the old internal wastegate is.
