Introducing my 89 Civic Hatch


New Member
Hey everybody hows it going?.
Im new to the site but not too new to the scene.
I just came up on my first ef hatch lately,
an have big plans for it just takes time.
Its an 89 Civic Hatch Dx
Ruff around the edges but a decent base.
I picked it up for 700 so i cant complain.
Fully stock with a d16a6
I bought it with a blown head gasket so first thing
is i have to get it running and rebuild the top end
while im at it.
And for some damn reason the previous owner
decided it would be a good idea to put dual point
on a A6. (outrageous)
As for the body its in fair condition it has a few dents here
and there but nothing major.
An almost absolutly no rust.
Thanks for checking out my thread.
Heres a few pics let me know what you think.?:D

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New Member
Thanks man.
And Yeah Its a satin black.
not to bad the guy canned it an id have to
say it looks fairly decent because ive
seen some kids can their cars an it looks
perty bad.
As of right now i just ordered some
coilover's so i can slam it.
Also i have the engine disassembled
an took the head to the shop resurfaced it grinded
the valves replaced the valve stems an cam seal.
I ordered a full engine gasket set an replaced
all the gaskets on the top end.

damn camera was stuck in black and white sorry for the
horrible pic quality. Cameras on andriods are a piece.
Any ways on another note i fully re assembled the engine an it wouldnt start.
Compresion tested it an my second cylinder is cooked.
The whole head is messed up im quite mad but theres not much i can do about it.


New Member
The Good:

Heres my amazing bowl of cereal yup honey of oats.

The bad: I still havent got my hatch running.

The alright:
I traded my beat up tenzo r seat for a pair of kicks for my hatch.

Yeah i know there alittle big but there wrapped in brand new tires so i figure i can roll them through the winter.
Also still waiting for my coilovers to come in.


New Member
Hey everybody hows it goin?
Just got the coilovers in an hopefully will have pics up for you tomorrow
with them on the hatch.
Here they are.
