Is there a DIY site for taking apart the dash?


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Hey guys I am new to this site.. I need some help.

Some a$$hole broke into my Civic (94 Dx) and stole my radio, when they took the stereo they broke the bezel that sorounds the climate control and radio.. I just bought one from ebay..

What I need to know is how to take the bezel off.. From looking at it I figure you have to take all the stuff around it off, is there a DIY site that I can look at to help me replace this part.. Also for some reason my air no longer works. Well sometimes it work but not all the time.. Can anyone help? Please..

The main thing is what to remove to replace the bezel.


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Install Dr should help you with the radio.


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I went there and there was nothing that helped me take out the WHOLE bezel.. I need to replace the whole bezel. Does anyone know of a good site for this..

That site is awesome but didnt come in handy so thanks NE ways..

same thing happened to my dash got phucked and even with a new bezel i was unable to attatch it and ended up paying some shop to basically remove the entire dash and jb weld it back together....mmmmm ghetto, but to replace that bezel you either need pull the gauge cluster and reach down from the inside or you can remove the entired dash from the car and do it like that, any way it is not easy. personally if i could do it over again i would go get the entire dash out of a 94-01 integra and swap that s**t because it looks much cleaner


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There HAS to be some site or someone that knows how to do this.. I got the part and I need to install.. I dont want to do it without having instructions, cause I seem to ALWAYS pull to hard on something and break something. Im not that mechanically inclinded.. (unless I have dir) that is why I LOVE DIY pages.. Helps me so much..

Please someone has to know how to do this..


El Gistro Mami!
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when i did my interior, i had to take the whole dash out to paint it. i believe that's the only way to do it easily since there's a few screws for that bezel that are really hard to reach. it took me about 4 hrs to take it out and put in. it's not hard at all. all u need is patience and someone else to help you.


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The Q is what do I need to take off first, and how do I take that first piece off?
I figure I have to take out the bottom but after I do that, how do I reach the bezel screws?


El Gistro Mami!
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there's the 2 screws on the side. when you gotta take out the gauge cluster and there should a few more screws behind there. i gotta check cause i don't remember where they all are, but you willl know it's loose when it moves alot. you would take out the radio bezel after the dash is out of the car.


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When you say "dash" do you mean the upper part of the dach.. Like the whole dash piece?


El Gistro Mami!
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when i say dash im referring to the whole piece from the very top to the very bottom. i had to take the whole thing out.


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sherpagoodness said:
seriously....go to a junk yard and you can get a teg dash for under 100 bux and it will look lots better than ur stocker

Got pics of what that would look like?


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You need the dash mounts and the steering mount for it to fit perfectly. If you don't the drivers side will have a gap. And you will have to melt the door panels or make custom ones.
GSR dash in friends 5thgen below.


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Soichiro-Honda said:
You need the dash mounts and the steering mount for it to fit perfectly. If you don't the drivers side will have a gap. And you will have to melt the door panels or make custom ones.
GSR dash in friends 5thgen below.
Do you know how much that would cost me.. To buy that GSR dash.. I take that is the WHOLE dash cause it looks nothing like the dash I have... ;) I have a 94


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Then again I just paid 50 bucks for that bezel.. I still need a DIY site to install that untill I can think about putting in a new dash.. Someone has to know a DIY site!!! hehe


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You can get dashboards for 100 dollars or less used.
I have a 94. Some things have to be repined.
