It's hard to get good light for car pics


New Member
Here are a couple pics of my 2000 SI that I bought a couple months ago. I attempted some photos before but the bright sunlight sort of washed out the car because there was so much glare. The ones below were taken at sunset but there were some clouds and the light really wasn't perfect. They're good enough to see the results of the high speed buffer work I did. Maybe I can take some more at sunset without the clouds. If you look close you can see some damage on the right front fender that I haven't fixed yet.

I live in a retirement community in central Arkansas near Hot Springs and these pictures were taken at one of the driving ranges.



New Member
this looks really nice. what are your plans for it?


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if your interested in getting good lights and taking great photos i would invest in a camera that you can change the aperture and shutter speed then you will be able to get the light you want, or you can get photoshop and edit the light yourself its really simple

but car looks good, x2 on those plans, what you lookin to do to it


New Member
No special plans except to make it a very nice stock SI. I ordered OEM front fender liners for both sides yesterday. The previous owner had 195/60 tires on it and rubbed holes in both liners. When I get the liners I'll try pushing out the dent in the RF fender.

I'll probably keep the car for a few months and then look for something new. That's my pattern.


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1997 Civic DX (EJ6)
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Looks really great man! Awesome work bringing the paint back to life.

As far as photography goes, you seem to have a great idea of what lighting works best. But my advice to you would be to keep the sun to your back when shooting, and don't be afraid to get down on the car's level instead of shooting down on the car. Also try to avoid using the flash at all costs lol.
