jackson racing supercharger question


New Member
so i just picked up a jrsc for a d16 and was wondering could i throw it on a stock motor at like 6 psi until i can finish my other d16? also what would i all need to make it run smoothly never had a boosted car before so not entirely sure what i would all need thanks


I had a Civic once.
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most important thing: a tune.

a buddy and I supercharged his v8 dakota. he didn't get it tuned. it blew up a week later. tune is THE most important part.


my homie bought a jackson sc for his b16 at 6psi n he got it tuned. i guess u have to idk i never tuned my s**t i got a stock motor n i beat him lol neways i think u should be just fine with 6psi unless ur car has like 230,000 miles n s**t


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Lol ^^

Do a compression test. Does your car burn oil or antifreeze? If either I wouldn't do it....

But you will not be able to drive it without a tune. You'll lean out and burn your cylinder walls
