Jackson Racing Supercharger Question


New Member
I have a 1998 honda civic with a D16Y8 VTEC in it. I just got my engine rebuilt. I had a supercharger on it before i got it rebuilt. Since i took it off to send in the engine can i just put the supercharger back on and it work just like it did before? or will i have to get it tuned again?


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Should just be able to put the charger back on. What did you have done to the motor though?


Registered VIP
put it back on if you are running the same chipped ecu, even if you arent just dont rip on it until you get it retuned


New Member
I had a JRSC , and from what I know you should be able to use it without any trouble.


Gina my Lady in red
Registered VIP
5+ Year Member
tune, if they take off all the parts (valve spring, valves, and etc) then yes. it will make a different.


Registered VIP
he said he had it rebuilt not change anything

if its the exact same put the ecu it was running on before and be on your way
