Jackson supercharger flaw


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you got taken 4 a ride, u should have gone round keith's shop with some heavies and took $2700 worth of stuff until he fixed the mess for ya. I don't know where you stand on the legal side of things but maybe you could get some of the money you spent on labour back. Surely they must give you some kind of warranty on a product that costs so much??

next time i see some jock post a thread about getting a jr supercharger i will point them to this thread


Live Manikins
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its too long...someone paraphrase it for me


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I think i read it but a long time ago. He basically says that he bought a jrsc for 2700 bucks and had nothing but trouble with customer service and reliability from the get go. Something happened to the supercharger (leaking oil or something..) and jackson racing wasnt very helpful in getting it fixed. He got sick of the hassle and having to drive his daily to the shop so he sold it.
