JDM again


captin sleep0
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i have a friend that wants to jdm his 5th gen coupe and wants to know all the diffrences like seats and so on. thanks guys


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well first tell him there is no JDM coupe


captin sleep0
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dirtyd16 said:
well first tell him there is no JDM coupe
really i had no idea thanks for the help but he wants it as jdm as he can be in his coupe. so if you can tell me any jdm parts that fit his car let me knowanks. th


Set This World On Blaze!!
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we already told you...there are now jdm coupes at all....parts are made for hatches only.... or four door ferios.


captin sleep0
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you must not understand me he wants to do stuff like front seats s**t like that. i undersand that there is no coupe ok im not a dumb f**k he just want to know if s**t like jdm moldings center consoles lips and so on. so dont tell me that im f**kin dumb he just wants to know if seats and s**t are diffrent ok.


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hey hey hey im not callin u dumb....i thot i would of known so i figured u would tell him wassupps

Mr. Lin

Admiral Ackbar
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Smack your friend a few times and tell him to keep it the way it is...


its gotta be SPOON!
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come on guys maybe he just wants the jap parts who cares if its true jdm if its the style he wants let him go for it; first for the seats they were made by recaro 2nd you can fit a mugen or spoon lip on the stock eg/ej bumpers and the hatch headlights and sedan tails fit the coupes if he wants city lights and stuff any check out( passwordjdm.com , jdmshit.com , jdmgears.com)I must warn you that stuff is hella exspensive though

Martin Racing Design

FKA Carbon Creations
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well considering that the coupe and hb have interchangeable parts...

now im no JDM guru by any means, but logic would tell me that he could put anything from the EK6 into his EJ1.


NoR*CaL knowledge b***h
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and things like sidemolding WOULDN"T FIT, front seats yes, head lights yes, and other gay ass things that are just as bad as projectors altezza's and so on


captin sleep0
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hey its not me its my friend he was asking me about this and i dont pay attition to jdm so i was asking to see if ther was anything for it.


hatch owner
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wtf is wrong with projector headlights?

slammed_93_hatc said:

and things like sidemolding WOULDN"T FIT, front seats yes, head lights yes, and other gay ass things that are just as bad as projectors altezza's and so on


fa' sheeez
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civicduties...search around the site, theres plenty of topics

i dont get why somebody would spend hundreds of dollars to make their car JDM haha...liike $50 for a clock that lights up amber instead of white? wtf

just tell your friend there is no point to doin all that stupid s**t. save the money and put a type r engine in his coupe and nobody wilol say s**t to him!


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slammed_93_hatc said:
yes!! someone else who hates the jdm ricers.

just tell your friend there is no point to doin all that stupid s**t. save the money and put a type r engine in his coupe and nobody wilol say s**t to him!


Adamantium Member
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jdm is soooo 5 minutes ago...


NoR*CaL knowledge b***h
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Melt said:
yes!! someone else who hates the jdm ricers.

ya no s**t, i mean we all do some rice mods, rice= non performance modifications, but these damn jdm whores are just as bad as the guys with huge body kits and wings only thing is there s**t looks like stock and they spent THOUSANDS of money to get that effect

and tot he genuis who said jdm is so five mins ago, go jump on the next bandwagon


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slammed_93_hatc said:
and tot he genuis who said jdm is so five mins ago, go jump on the next bandwagon
and what bandwagon might that be?? i dont jump onto anything, i build my car the way i like it....the whole thought behind my post was that i cant believe people are still caught up on jdm, ITS OLD!! its played out, its the new rice...watch who your talkin to


NoR*CaL knowledge b***h
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oooo im hella scared that im talking to you, just you saying that jdm is old is stupid, people do what they want jdm rice, or the huge ass wings and body kits. personally i think its all stupid but not just cause its played out.

and please don't bring your e-thug threats to me


captin sleep0
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well you dont have to worry for me. im not into the jdm s**t, never have been that is why i ask this qustion i think it is stupid do get this s**t like the thread that melt made about the jdm ricer=jdm road flair. not me
