Jet Chip


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Does anybody know anything about the Jet Chip ECU upgrade for a 99 Civic EX? Has anybody ever had theirs done, and if so what were the results? It says it gives about 8-10 hp, which im not really concered with. Does anybody know if it gives any torque gains. I just need some say so because it cost $300. Thanks


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just so you know... there is NO CHIP made for ANY HONDA CIVIC that increases HP . . . .

we're not domestics/euro cars ....

plain and simple, you want a HP gain, you have to buy parts/upraded parts for your engine



MiLaNo Si
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ECU chips are to take the restrictions off your car so u can redline higher..etc


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thats not going to make your car any faster. . .


MiLaNo Si
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i know, i never said its gonna make it fast, but it sets off the restrictions that the car has when its stock and without the ECU the restrictions will be there


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correct me if im wrong, but i dont think there is a chip out for Hondas OBDII ecu, but if there is, its gonna be expensive. there are a whole bunch of cheap chips for OBDI ecu. spoon, jun, mugen, skunk2, and many others, they are not orignally from the company but a copy. it changed the fuel curve, air/fuel ratio, changed vtec crossover, redline and other stuff. by changing those, it makes the car faster depending on the mods. but not recommended on stock cars, may hurt the car if there is no upgraded internals.


Dirty South Side
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You cant buy a chip for a honda and expect power, you have to get a chip burned for your specific car, like the 1 car that you own not "a 2000 SI" to use my car. Toda makes a package for the RSX that makes HP and torque with a chip though, so it is possible I guess. Are there any repudable tuners in your area, you could ask them what they can do for you?


OG スバリスト
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every car is different yes, but some variables still hold down the line
