just a ? about nozzle and jets


BooSteD z6
Registered VIP
5+ Year Member
ok i am about to buy a wet nitrous kit from a friend but it is made specifically for a v8 mustang and i am just wondering wut nozzles and wut size jets i get becuz the v8 ones r way to big...and when i order nozzles i will have to order two right?


New Member
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I take it it's going on your civic? But, how many shots do you wanna do?


Swedish Pancakes!
Registered VIP
5+ Year Member
depends on the type of kit. my NX wet kits lines merge into one nozzle at the end. it wasn't big enough so i bored it out a little bit. best i can figure (from the R-Sports track times) its about a 75 shot now, lol. so, figure out what kind of kit it is, and look into buying the appropriate nozzle. its not really that hard to figure it out on your own
