Just a Few things on my mind i would like some opinions with.


From AK to AZ to AK to OR
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Ok im know im kinda new here but iv been reading up on alot of stuff, and i am going to an automotive tech school so im not dumb or antyhing. iv just got a s**t load of stuff on my mind that i wouldnt mind havin some opinons on. i have been asking around for what types of swaps are good and stuff. iv lived in alaska my whole life and i would like to build a resonably quik street car with excelent handleing. iv heard from ppl on many forums that h22's dont handle as well as other swaps cuz there too heavy. iv also been lookin into the ls/vtec swap and stuff. but there not reliable iv heard, they tend to not last too many miles. i havnt heard much about the b20vtec swap tho. also the gsr engine, ITR CTR i dunno theres so many options i dont know what would be good or not? also is it possible to swap in a ferio(spelling?) awd system onto a coupe? just curious? oh by the way im planning on turboing my engine, so i want an engine that will last a while with the forced induction and nitrous set up. granted i wont use the nitrous all the time and try to blow my engine or anything, ill do it all right i just wanna have it for track purposes and st uff. theres just too many questions that iv had running through my head. any thoughts u can add to it? thanx for the help


From AK to AZ to AK to OR
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no opinions? no1 here to flame me for being a retard? haha i know i dont know everything but some1 at least give me some opinions or ideas....?


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well lets start here...what do you drive now?


From AK to AZ to AK to OR
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98 2 door EX


MiLaNo Si
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ok an LS motor for turboing...and b20vtec an lsvtec same thing so it wouldnt matter if u dont like either one of em....so all motor i go with ITR if u got the $$$$..so theres my 2 cents


From AK to AZ to AK to OR
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well im plannin on doing this in like a couple years after iv been workin as a tech for a year or so and goin ta college. and after i round up about 50 grand next summer from commercial fishing. so itz gonna be a while. i just want a fast engine, with a good weight balance for my coupe so that i can keep my handleing....iv only heard that the h22 makes it too heavy to handle good i have no idea 1st hand...


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Sell the Civic, get a ITR and be happy.
