Just looking for opinions on repair manuals


New Member
hey guys i was wondering what your opinions on repair guides. such as which do you prefer? i have a 93 ex coupe and thought about getting the haynes manual from autozone. anybody think there is a better one out there?


out on bail
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Haynes is good. Chiltons are good as well.

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New Member
I like Haynes but it is not complete. I got one from auto zone but there is no color and it is really only for basic repairs.


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5+ Year Member
I know this is an older thread, but after usng the Haynes and looking thru the Chilton, I honestly suggest neither. If you plan on having the car for a while and doing any sort of upgrades/repairs, I suggest go for a Factory Serv Manual.
I bought mine one Ebay a few years ago for around $50 shipped, and it came with the electrical troubleshooting manual as well.
Really came in handy when I was rebuilding my transmission!
