K Series Type R Please Help


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I have a 98 Civic coupe SI and I have acquired a K Series Type R engine.

If someone has done this swap please help. I need to know everything I would need to do this swap.

I am very thankful and appreciative of any help available, and promise to name my first-born after you for said help.


Runnin to Redline
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This swap is hard and takes alot of money..but you have the engine so thats most of the money..do a search...there has been tons of Kseries swaps..you will need a differnt motor mounting brackets and you cant have your AC anymore..I will add more later...Im in a hurry...sorry for being short


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wooohooo!!! another winnipeger!!! wow there's a first!! that sounds like a tight swap but not too sure what to tell ya lol. I think you and me are the only ones from winnipeg in this forum.

I'm pretty sure it is gonna be hard gettin that baby in. K-Series engine are usually pretty large and expensive. Once you do get it in I would LOVE to see some pics.


Volvo > Civic
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uhhh dood....you bought a hard ass swap and you don't know how to do it? Hasport should make some mounts for that...but I know there is alot of fabrication for that particular swap.


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the truth it isn't exactly "my" swap. My brother-in-law owns JG Speedsports here in town. I do have a 98 Si, but it's one of his customers that came to him with this problem. He asked me (I am on the net constantly) to find out specifics. Plus I don't have all the info, whether he only has the motor, or whether he bought a typical JDM package, motor/tranny/ecu/etc. I will find out all I can tonight. But thank you for the preliminary help.

lol Winnipeg represent:D


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Hasport was the first place I went to, and will call and see "if" they will help on monday, as they only expect calls concerning the use of their products, and currently they do not have mounts for a 6th gen civic. The quest continues...


Runnin to Redline
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Originally posted by duunes
Hasport was the first place I went to, and will call and see "if" they will help on monday, as they only expect calls concerning the use of their products, and currently they do not have mounts for a 6th gen civic. The quest continues...
good luck....post pictures and dynos


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Ahhhhh......I was on the same quest as you until I realized the army wasnt paying me enough to even buy the dam engine do some searches on the web. I know Area 51 did it but they also pretty much stated it wasnt worth the money that was spent. Pretty much over kill but then again you need that shock factor in the civic world and the K20 would do it......good luck and if you go through with it keep us updated


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Thank you, thank you. I have contacted area 51 to see what help, if any, they will provide. I will try to get pictures up soon. The civic is beautiful but really needed something to be magazine and show worthy. We all knew coming into this that the work would be intense and a litle crazy, but definitely worth it point-wise. The customer has already dropped 30k on this car after the body and interior were completed, so he is very serious about finishing this the right way.

Thanks again, any other help would be greatly appreciated.


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good luck on doing it. below is a link on H-T. there is a discussion on doing it. but very few got it done. at this time there are no motor mounts made for it. you have to specially make them. HASport is suppose to come out with motor mounts but you can double check. i think the ecu requires to be unlock by the dealership and the jdm ecu wiring harness is too short for the ek. area51 in cali got it done. you can ask them but most likely the wouldnt go in full detail. the setup will run you a lot of money.



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thanks dude. I phoned hasport today, and the mount kit, wiring harness, etc. are still prototypes and won't be released for a while. It will be interesting to see if I can get anything out of area51 as this project was a bit bigger than they had originally anticipated. thanks again, I will look into getting some pics


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good luck man, keep everyone update on the progess. from what i heard area51 was the first to get it done and there are rarely anyone that gone it done. doing a k swap needs a lot of custom work due to no companies not releasing any product to do the swap because this swap is still new.


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twll gimt o sell his si, but a new si and he will have a sicker car with an easier install.


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mini-update. as was mentioned hasport is still in the prototype stage with this swap, but as a result because this is one of the first (possibly THE first) swaps like this in canada, jg will most likely become one of the few canadian dealers, with the shop doing the (hopefully the first) swap in canada. am still waiting for pics.


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Originally posted by duunes
mini-update. as was mentioned hasport is still in the prototype stage with this swap, but as a result because this is one of the first (possibly THE first) swaps like this in canada, jg will most likely become one of the few canadian dealers, with the shop doing the (hopefully the first) swap in canada. am still waiting for pics.
That's cool, I like JG Speedsports, they can be pretty expensive sometimes tho.


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the thing to remember at jg is they are always willing to bargain;)


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sell the engien and buy a JDM b18c. much easier and will probably work a lot better.


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just have dunnes hook u up when u go to jg, since his bro in law owns it
