Kenwood Beats Everything!


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I went to my local audio shop and they showed me some new kenwood products that they got in. Japan had it for 3 years but it is finally out now. Its the best audio you can get for your car. Its all digital. They have digital amps now and subs. I dont know a lot about it but the owner said no other car audio can beat it. It does cost a lot but it does sound amazing. He had a CRX in the shop with all the new kenwood stuff that is digital and it sounded like you were in a recording studio.

The difference between what kenwood is doing than the rest is that all their stuff is digital now. Regular amps and stuff is analog. So try compare digital t.v to a analog tv. Ofcourse digital will be better! and kenwood has patented this new design so noone else can copy them. Also in their headunits they have this sound enhancer. If you dont have that you lost 50% sound quality regardless of what headunit you have. I dont know the exact details but you should go to your local car audio shop and ask them about it. Im poor so i dont have it but from hearing the owners CRX Its worth the money.


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You are extremely uninformed my friend.....and this has nothing to do with my dislike for Kenwood. First, digital amps have been around for a longggg time, have you never heard of the Alpine PDX or anything of the sort? Secondly, digital amps are not necessarily better. During their first introduction, audiophiles could easily depict an analog from digital amp. Today, the gap is being bridged, but analog amps are still considered to be superior, at least as far as sound quality goes. Besides, you do know that music is analog anyway right.....? And this headunit that enhances sound.....that's called coloring sound to taylor it to your preferences, that to me is nothing more than a bass boost or loudness setting. Music in the truest form of accuracy and quality is meant to be replayed exactly as recorded, not colored to sound fuller or better to the untrained ear.


Yeah it's just the same. Digital only looks better because it is flashy, but still it has the same capabilities and functions with an analog. Plus, it's more expensive to buy and repair.


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I smell :spam:


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Kenwoods not bad for people that are just getting into car audio. But dont be fooled guys, if your looking to spend a decent sum of money I wouldnt suggest kenwood, pioneer, or even alpine for anything other than Head Units.. and even then u'd have to go with some of their high end models, but other than that I'd say go with an eclipse or a clarion.

Theres tons of great equipment out there if u do ur research, but these are my favorites:

amps: sundown audio, digital designs
speakers: Image Dyanmics
Subs: Image Dynamics, Fi audio, Dayton

... there's alotta good stuff out there, stuff much better than what I listed, but I cant speak for anything I havent personally owned... trust me I've been through the Kenwood and pioneer phase, dont let the local car audio stores rip u off, do ur research online


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i like my current setup in my civic, jvc HU, alpine front speakers, vulfenhag (german) rear speakers, lanzar vector sub, and legacy 800W amp. and factory door tweeters, i think it sounds great, hits all of the notes pretty well, sounds good playing both classical, and any other music.
