Key stuck in ignition until battery is disconected.

Krzysztof Kucab

New Member
Please someone jelp me out here its a 2000 Civic LX auto daily beater. i took apart the entire f**king car in search of a short circuit somewhere because the guage lights, turn signals, and key being stuck all happened at once. I figured it was electrical...once i disconnect the battery, the kep comes out no problem.

the car starts right up but the key just cant get out. something is not sending the proper signal to the ignition switch.
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Move the shifter around in PARK when you are trying to remove the key.

Krzysztof Kucab

New Member
Hey man I appreciate the reply. It's not making a difference. I took apart the shifter because the pin was bent and the car didn't know it was in park. Now it does, but the key is still stuck and the car beeps so it knows the key is there...but it won't come out u less I disconnect the power

Any other suggestions? At this point I've taken part the entire dash and I've checked all wires for a short...nothing
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Apparently this ia pretty common problem in Automatic Honda's. Now that I think about it I have been having this issue from time to time but there is a recall on the 98 Honda CRV for the ignition switch. This Recall covers a lot of models and years so check it out and Honda will fix it for free for you. This is typically a problem with the interlock switch not disengaging allowing you to remove the key.

In the meantime.


Krzysztof Kucab

New Member
Awesome man. Good input, do you think I can play around with the switch myself or replace it..or its not even worth it, just get the whole ignition switch assembly off ebay?


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The ignition switch is riveted in, so it would be pretty hard for you to take it out on your own. Call Honda, give them your VIN and see if its under the recall. Free parts and labor.

Krzysztof Kucab

New Member
Hmm, ok well thanks for the imput. I also have an issue with the guage cluster illumination. All indicator lights work except for the actual back lights for the cluster. Fuses are good, bulbs are good, all wires have been checked for shorts in the entire harness. I heard that the little computer/relay or whatever it near the pedals where your left foot would go could be responsible...the little white box. Know anything about this?
