Keyless Trouble


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I took my door panel off on my driver side to put in new speakers and when I put everything back to normal my driver side door doesnt respond to the keyless entry any ideas? Oh and yes i check the the under hood lock fuse. :twisted: :twisted:


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you put in new speakers, did you also change your deck?


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yea I put a new deck in but it was working fine then one day it stopped. I put the a/m speakers in after i had the deck installed.


5+ Year Member
10+ Year Member
It might be your actuator, thats in your door, if you have a the warranty on your civic take it in, they will replace it, my passinger door had the same prob. sometimes it just goes out thats what the guy at the shop told me, but im might be sure thats your prob.


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what year is your civic? the 96-98 civics have the keyless entry in the factory stereo. the 99-00 civics have seproate keyless units. so if you have the 96-98, you just identified your problem.
I'd also double check the wire couplers in the door to make sure one isn't loose.
