kkr 280


New Member
I'm looking at buying a turbo for my b16a2 and for a cheap yet usable turbo I've been told to look at a kkr 280. Has anyone got any info on them? Or results that ill be looking at from this set up?

got traction

i rock the sohc
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cheap chineese ebay turbo.


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I know its cheap and Chinese, but is it worth having a go at?
No, turbo=not cheap...you can go cheap if you want to but when you have went through 3 when you could have got 1 decent one then you will regret it. Save the money and buy a precision 6262


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Have you tried the kkr or know that they are known for stuffing up? I just want some proof of how good/bad they are


10sec dd or BUST
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ebay turbos are ood paper weights. they are like eating raw chicken. 1 in a 100,000 chance you'll be okay


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When I say proof I mean has anyone tried them? Not your opinion on cheaper parts or Chinese parts, although it is appreciated, I want a bit of comparisons, so how bout results from the turbo you use? It's to be daily driven so I don't want anything to big

got traction

i rock the sohc
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lots of people have tried them, every now and then someone has one that lasts....in the first 5 minutes of running, the oil seals will start to leak.

got traction

i rock the sohc
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t3/t4 .57 trim...you can get it with the .48 ex housing so it spools quick


New Member
I agree with got traction cause I have seen a few people have some success with ebay turbo's but they only end up using them for a very little amount of time. I myself am going turbo on my b16a2 for a DD set up and desided to go with a SC34 presicion for quik spool and enought horse power for the street. oh and safe!!!!


New Member
Yea that's fair enough and I do plan to drive it daily so better off going safer than anything? sc34? Who's that made by?


New Member
Its made by presicion turbo's which its a sub division of garrett and the sc34 is good for up 460hp, small for quik boost and safe if you dont plan on modifying your block. Now if you plan on doing pistons and boosting alot then i would go with a SC61 from precision but thats only if you plan on getting more than 500 hp.


New Member
Nah its only a b16 man, ill be pushing it to get 250 horses as it is, with injectors fuel pump cams intake and custom exhaust

got traction

i rock the sohc
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the precision sc3431 would work well for you also, and those are right around $560.00
