Lightwave 3d links???????


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sry guys, didn't exactly know where to post this but.......does anyone know where to get some good tutorials for lightwave 3d? preferably car modeling tutorials or human modeling, thx.

.............................................and don't flame -_-


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Dont even know what you are talking about.... I'm guessing its a program of sorts that models stuff in 3d.... Other then that I have no clue... :what:


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:( ah man.......and i was so happy when i got a reply...... :cry:

but yea, lightwave 3d is a 3d modeling/animation program, i've had it but i'm still very basic with it. Thats why i've been looking for some extensive tutorials but haven't come up w/ any luck as of yet.


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lol. been through alot of those to.hehe, but i see a few that are new, i'ma check em out, thx bro :thumbs up
