Prefaced: I hate politics, it's a red team, blue team pissing match for people full of ego to make money and decisions based on their warped view of the world to pander to the ignorance of an inept population and whatever company is betting on some law or legislation to pass. But when logic is purely ignored it is infuriating.
And since my news feed has been nothing but people arguing (except the spattering of adorable baby pictures/ videos. Thank you. ) I figured I'd reply to the illogical/utopian as well as the right wing/ the south shall rise again nut jobs I'm evidently friends with.
So let me get this straight...
Nobody raises an eyebrow about Benghazi ( where Americans Died, then was covered up by lies as to the cause. Thanks again Hill-dog, lied in Watergate, lied again here .. ),
The IRS abusing it's limits to suck more money from the public (Where Americans are already hurting) ,
The Multiple domestic spying and disarmament executive orders ( Directly against Americans Constitutional rights, First,Second, Third and Fourth Amendment )
The US government supplying firearms and training to Mexican organizations ( Much like the Taliban during the first Desert Storm, both having potential to/ correlated with the deaths of hundreds if not thousands of people)....
The Government shutting down over a disagreement of something that has yet to even get off the ground ( thanks kids, you gonna take your ball and go home too?)
But people are demanding Gov. Chris Christie be federally investigated for a bridge delay where nobody was harmed and he may not have even been responsible for...
OR let's focus on the Washington Redskins having their name changed because it's insensitive.
OR use government resources regarding steroids in baseball...
Why aren't more people upset? When did the public become
a)too stupid, sheepish and Utopian minded to be angered by this
b) too scared to call people in "charge" on their bulls***?
c) when did people forget any and all history? we've seen all of these things before and even a 5th grader fresh out of their basic world history overview can tell you how this all plays out.
d) why are you idiots arguing over topics that have 0 impact on your daily life but ignore the topics that will impact you and your children's way of life?
I voted for Obama, but the man needs to go, he can't win in congress (period) so he just signs his ideals into executive order... not upholding his oaths of office which is grounds for impeachment based on the oaths he took, sorry. Hillary is a joke and a liar, at least her husband's lies didn't cover up any deaths or thefts( even though he's a scumbag too) , hers have done both.
While we're cleaning house John Boehner ( lol pronounced boner) needs to go for holding up the country and putting people out of work for no more than his own little tantrum and the rest of his cronies are just as liable.
If people just thought for a few seconds objectively instead of subjectively how the crap going on now is both ridiculous and the decisions being made are not in the public best interest 90% of the arguing would disappear. And we might be able to make adequate change and stick to our roots at the same time.