Looking to buy a honda civic coupe engine size between 1.4-1.6


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Hi my name is sam I live in Essex and I'm looking to buy a honda civic coupe as my first car. One of my friends recommended one to me as they are cheap on insurance and they are extremely reliable cars. As I've never bought a car before I'm looking for some advise on what to lookout for when buying one and what sort of common problem I may in encounter. I would really appreciate any advise people can give me.


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This can fit in multiple forums, but I'm going to go ahead and move this thread to off topic since it's very general and I think you'll get the most replies there.


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The best advice I can give so far is to first decide which body style you lik the most. Perhaps list a few in order of most to least liked. After that, we could specify our comments & suggestions. Otherwise it is just too much information too explain. I will add that, to my best knowledge, most Civics have no major defects or critical factory-designed issues.


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Civic windows, at least gens 6 and 7 (96-05) have windows that tend to fail. I know it's nothing critical, but make sure you check the power windows.
