Looking to purchase new civic. Advice needed.


New Member
So I'm looking to purchase my first car, it's. 92 hatchback with a B18 swap, turbo. Here's the link to the car. http://manitoba.kijiji.ca/c-cars-vehicles-cars-trucks-NEW-PRICE-FULLY-COSTOM-FRESH-SAFETY-TURBO-W0QQAdIdZ272030759#. I was just wondering your opinion and if anyone could give me some feedback on the car. He is claiming the ecu is changed so that the Roma cannot acceed 6500 rpm, therefore being safe to not blow. Any advice on the car would be appreciated as I'm getting serious towards buying very soon.


New Member
Registered VIP
Are those bubbles in the picture of the front end??? Who blows bubbles in the winter..LOL...seriously tho i would see and test drive the car in person for sure...buying someone elses project the heavily moded could leave you with a 4500 dollar problem and money pit. Photos are great but they dont tell the whole story..I'm not saying its a bad deal i am just saying you should check it out and look at it really good first. Take it to a garage and have a mech look at it...if owner wont let you then that should raise a red flag...Just my opinion tho.


New Member
lol yes i believe they are bubbles haha it looks like he has a small child in one of the pictures. ya i was planning on test driving the car and checking it out first, its local to me so tis not like i have to go very far to check it out.


New Member
Registered VIP
Defintly take it to a mechanic and there are still some things a mechanic wont be able to see if he didnt do the maintence on the motor before be boosted it it could have weak spots etc etc. Not saying it does, but when you buy a heavily modded project you really could get anything even after people check it out it could run for years or be a money pit.
