Anyone own it? im wondering if theres a Team deathmatch type of mode, like in mw2.
bud6770 Your mom has vtec Registered VIP 5+ Year Member Feb 4, 2010 #1 Anyone own it? im wondering if theres a Team deathmatch type of mode, like in mw2.
JUNY "where you at?" Registered VIP 5+ Year Member Feb 4, 2010 #2 theirs this one mode in tha game but i forgot what its called but its like team death match theirs two bars at the top of the screen a red one and a blue one which ever one runs out first is the team to lose
theirs this one mode in tha game but i forgot what its called but its like team death match theirs two bars at the top of the screen a red one and a blue one which ever one runs out first is the team to lose
JUNY "where you at?" Registered VIP 5+ Year Member Feb 4, 2010 #4 uhh not really idk it depends on what you like the game pisses me off lol its okay just depends on your preferences if i were you id rent it then see if you like it or buy it used
uhh not really idk it depends on what you like the game pisses me off lol its okay just depends on your preferences if i were you id rent it then see if you like it or buy it used
bud6770 Your mom has vtec Registered VIP 5+ Year Member Feb 4, 2010 #5 well, the huge online gameplay looks intense, but if it doesnt hold up to the awsomeness of mw2 i wont buy it.
well, the huge online gameplay looks intense, but if it doesnt hold up to the awsomeness of mw2 i wont buy it.
JUNY "where you at?" Registered VIP 5+ Year Member Feb 4, 2010 #6 like you can sit their and snipe people for a mintue unlike call of duty cuz theirs way more people BUT i rather play MW2 games complicated and takes a while to learn how to play and rank upp
like you can sit their and snipe people for a mintue unlike call of duty cuz theirs way more people BUT i rather play MW2 games complicated and takes a while to learn how to play and rank upp
spook4thecia Who Dat Registered VIP 5+ Year Member Feb 4, 2010 #9 I'm actually about to jump into a game right now.