Mapped or not?


New Member

So this is the kit thats on it, it says no additional tuning required because its piggybacked? What does that mean i see the little box inside by the ecu? It also says its wastegated down to 6-7 psi? which when i hooked the boost gauge up it shows about 5 psi? Does this thing still need mapped or anything else to function properly so i dont ruin anything on the car? And if I did want to add more boost what should i upgrade so it boosts safely?


Surge Master
Registered VIP
I dont know what the little edelbrock thing is next to the turbo in that pic. You need to show us a picture of your ecu so we can see what you are talking about. In either case, you need to follow the advice we gave you in your other thread. Where is your boost gauge reading from? It is common to have a 6-7psi acutator read read less psi in the manifold due to pressure drop from the intercooler.

Looking at the edelbrock kit, it looks like some sort of piggy back like an SAFC or something similar. The out of the box kit us probably very conservative for longevity and emissions reasons. It isn't a bad kit at all, can easily max out even a built single slammer with a good tune and converted to external wastegate.


New Member
Ill take a pic it's a little box by the ecu not sure where it's wired to so I should get an external wastegate and new chipped ecu as well? Would I keep the piggy back if I did?


Surge Master
Registered VIP
Honestly, how much money are you looking/willing to spend on this. What EXACTLY do you want to do with this car.


Hatches rock
Registered VIP
5+ Year Member
I've got this same kit and I have it tuned on hondata s300 making 191whp 150ft-lbs on 5psi that runs like a champ.
Makes more than that kit would do on 7psi with its piggy back crap.


New Member
Just signed up for college so hopefully I can learn more about this and eventually do it myself I'd like to make this civic fast as possible even if it means new motor and whole new turbo kit, money's not a huge issue.
