I know but it wont be tuned wurth s**t for a while, just the FMU,fuel pump, and injectors. I have seen alot of b16s running this for years and it runs safe but i know hondata is better. So you think i should run 550's or 450s with the fmu? I think i may just get 450'skellog said:550cc. actualy i bet u could do bigger if you get it tuned right.
So i wouldnt overload the stock injectors? Why do so many people get the fmu and injectors if they can just keep stock ones? The injectors will deffinitely starve me of power if i run stock ones, if 310's cut off at like 250, and ill easly be pushing over 200 i dont think keeping the stock ones would be to great. And i have seen many setups with high pressure intank pumps run fine for years.SeanMc300 said:ok. if you are going to run off the fmu for a while, DONT CHANGE YOUR INJECTORS!!! plus youll need an inline high pressure fuel pump, not the intank. id use an 11:1 fmu disk (buddy of mine used it on his 93 si with stock injectors....to this day still working fine)