mini me options?


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Bought a 97 civic dx hatchback as a second car and am getting sick of it being gutless. Is there a DOHC VTEC head available for a d16y7? Don't know if a SOHC conversion is worth the time. Thanks in advance for any input.


professional a*****e
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dohc wont fit a sohc, PERIOD!!! a mini-me swap is a sohc vtec head on a non vtec sohc block. sounds like rice....


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k...I don't real know sh*t about honda's (but learning). Bought this car while I rebuild my audi but I can't stand to leave it stock. Are the gains worth the trouble with installing a VTEC head?


Under Pressure
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On a B series motor yes... hondas are fun cars to work on... like RC cars you can drive, cost almost the same to hook up... lol... anywho, drop a LS with a GS-R head... you can have alot of fun with that...


None Taken.
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why not save yourself the headache of building the notoriously unrelaible ls/vtec and buy the real thing- a b18c and just enjoy it.


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Garrr...Sounds hard on the wallet. To many damn projects. Time for another loan i guess.


MiLaNo Si
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look man....get a b18 or vtec or b20 vtec are both unreliable unless u got the cash to keep mantaining it....but as for a vtec head on a d16y7...dont count ur luck on it.
