Cheers guys.
Genuine Rolla said:
not bad at all..!!!
pretty sick IMO.
Cheers mang
goofmans said:
omg that yellow one is sooooooooooooo nice!!!!
Yeah the Jordan is a nice car eh! Would have got one if they didnt want £2500 to insure the thing!!!
unr8ed06 said:
nice cars
off topic but, how the hell'd your camera blow up?
Ah good question.. TBH iv no clue, it was working half way through, went to take a photo of the engine bay of the EG6 and it went all white. Now every shot i take it goes white. the viewfinder works but something to do with the capture thingy is broke.. ¬_¬***
wannabe said:
i think i'm gonna move over there now...
lol yeah move over here man, its cold as s**t!
Jordan_n said:
i'm sorry but it reminds me of tokyo drift, I havent even seen that since the theaters lol
cool cars tho
Tokyo Drift!?.. lmao how come cause we are in a carpark? All them cars (bar the lex) is front wheel or 4 wheel drive lol. And non of us can drift.. and eh were in Scotland lol.
snozepp147 said:
i want all of your mirrors
Notice the blue hatch with the shiny wheels has USDM mirrors.
96hatchkid said:
I want your bumpers. End of story.
I'll sell them to you....... along with the car lol. Need funds for next honda lol
Jezek said:
what the heck? What'd I miss...where's your CGP EM1????
Ahhh Jezzy ma man. Wellll.. basically i got a b18c4 bottom end fitted about 5months ago and it blew, couldnt afford to keep it / fix it.. so had to buy an EJ9 to get to work mate. So now im stuck with this daft little 1.4.. christ its pretty slow like
i miss my coop...
CMRdevelopment said:
thank you sir
dank24 said:
you go through cars like hot cakes lol
Aye tell me about it ¬_¬.. Well im not too sure whats next in the pipe lines, either a mint condition late spec EK9 OR a brand new 8th Gen CTR-GT. I can afford to fund both but im torn between them just now.
Sundown said:
The yellow and dap hatches are soo nice..
I like your lip btw
Yeah DAP FTW! lol
Cheers for all the comments etc guys.