Well, it's about time the weather started to take a turn for the better so I washed up the E30 a bit and tried to find a nice spot to shoot. Some of the pictures came out horrendously due to overexposure and some turned out just right. Time for a new camera where I can manually set the apperture, fstop and shutter speed. This automatic crap ain't really cutting it.
I'd love to slam her an inch and a half or so to give her a more aggresive stance, but she's so fragile at fifteen years of age that I'd rather not torture her nor my wallet. enjoy my first shoot in a long time
I'd love to slam her an inch and a half or so to give her a more aggresive stance, but she's so fragile at fifteen years of age that I'd rather not torture her nor my wallet. enjoy my first shoot in a long time