My 1998 Civic Sedan Won't Start


New Member
5+ Year Member
My 1998 Civic Sedan Won't Start.......Not always, just every once in a while. This began about a month or so ago and has not indicated a pattern of consistency. Four or five times starting took a hold on the key and pumping of the gas pedal and when it did start seemed to struggle to find a smooth point for a moment. Then it would run fine the rest of day, week. Question: Could a fuel filter be causing this? Could there be a need to clean injectors? At the moment, for the first time, it won't start at all.:(


Don't ask members to guess what the problem is with your car. That's just silly.

Instead, ask how to figure out what the problem is.

Start here when the engine won't start:

1) Listen for whether the fuel pump primes.

2) Check whether all 4 spark plugs have bright white spark.

3) Check for CEL codes.


New Member
mine did the same thing but could be a lot of diff things bro start with what ronj said then go from there. If you need help troubleshooting let me know.


Registered VIP
5+ Year Member
uh, your car is fuel injected, so pumping the gas pedal will only be operating the throttle body, not the injectors. I agree with RonJ, start there and see what you get. Air, fuel, and spark. Need all three
